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Non Member Categories

    Your SHRM site allows you to categorize your non-members into groups, then perform different actions on different groups. For example, you could create a category called "Sponsors", add some non-members to that category, then create a mass-email notification that is only sent to those non-members. Or you could create a category called "Meeting Attendee", and download a Microsoft Excel file listing all the non-members of that category.

    Non Members can be assigned to multiple categories. In this tutorial, we'll talk about how to create new non-member categories, and how to assign non-members to them.

    Creating a New Category

    1. Go to your Admin Dashboard, and click the Manage Membership Categories link, located beneath the User Management sub-heading.
    2. In the Add New Category text field, type the name of the member category you wish to create, then click Add.
    3. In the new screen that appears, you may choose to add an optional Explanation to this category, describing what it is, why you created it, and / or what types of people will be assigned to it.
    4. When you're done, click Save field.

    Your category has now been added.

    Assigning a Non Member to a Category

    1. Go to your Admin Dashboard, and click the Member Directory Search link, located beneath the User Management sub-heading.
    2. Using the member directory search options, find the non-member you want to assign to a category.
    3. Click the name of the appropriate non-member in the search results.
    4. In the user profile screen that appears, click the Edit button.
    5. Click the Categories button that appears.
    6. Check the box next to the name of the category or categories to which this non-member should be assigned. Non Members may be added to multiple categories.
    7. Click the Save button.

    This non-member has now been assigned to the category or categories you chose.

    Downloading an Excel document with all non-members in a certain category

    1. Go to your Admin Dashboard, and click the Member Directory Search link, located beneath the User Management sub-heading.
    2. In the Categories select box, choose the category you want to generate a list from. You may select multiple categories by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each desired category name.
    3. In the Optional Output Type box, choose Export to Excel.
    4. Click Submit.

    Your computer should then prompt you to save and download the generated Excel document.

    Continue to the next tutorial: Sending e-mails to Non Members >>

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